At Rainbow Maths, we offer a series of abacus mock tests across 9 levels, designed to help both kids improve their math skills and mental arithmetic. These tests provide valuable practice to enhance problem-solving abilities and boost confidence in abacus learning. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, our abacus practice tests are perfect for refining your skills and mastering mental math.
Little rainbows abacus level
Numbers 0-9: Everything to Support Your Little Abacus Math Champs! Formula-Free, Worksheets & Flashcards. Perfect for Kids Ages 3-5.
Abacus Junior Level 0 banner image
Numbers 1-10, no regrouping, division by 2, even numbers, flashcards. Suitable kids 4+
Junior Level plus
Numbers 0-100, no regrouping, division by 2, simple multiplication, Skip by 2s and 3s. Suitable kids 5+
Junior Experts
Place value, adding and subtracting in the hundreds and thousands places without regrouping, number games, skip counting, and simple division and multiplication
Numbers over 100, no regrouping, multiplication tricks, Divisibility rules, maths tricks. Suitable for Beginners 8+
Abacus Level-1-Easy

Small & Big Friends Formulas for Positive and Negative Numbers, Simple Multiplication and Division, Decimals, and Square Numbers, Maths tricks and shortcuts. Suitable Kids 5+.

Abacus Level 1 Median
Small & Big Friends Formulas for Positive and Negative Numbers, Multiplication and Division, Decimals, Square Numbers, Maths tricks and shortcuts. Suitable Kids 7+.
Abacus Level 2 Easy

Positive and Negative Formulas, Multiplication and Division, Decimal and Square Numbers. Prime numbers. Maths tricks and shortcuts. Suitable Kids 7+.

Abacus Level 2 Median

Positive and Negative Formulas, Multiplication and Division, Decimal and Square Numbers. Prime numbers. Maths tricks and shortcuts. Suitable Kids 8+.

All Formulas, Multiplication and Division, Decimal Numbers. Two-digit Square Numbers. Maths tricks and shortcuts.
Abacus Level 4
All Formulas, Multiplication and Division, Decimal Numbers. Two-digit Square Numbers, Cube Numbers. Maths tricks and shortcuts.
multiplication mock tests
Here, you will find multiplication lessons for all Abacus levels!